Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Send It Snail Mail, OK?

Yesterday was my birthday. It was a nice day, actually. I did whatever I felt like which included a trip to the mailbox to look for birthday cards. Oh the anticipation! Oh, the disappointment. No cards. Not a one.
Yet, in my email there were lots of greetings. "Happy Birthdays!" all over the computer screen. Someone thought of me, on my birthday, and just had to communicate it to me. Wow!
Well, the truth is, I would rather receive a card in the mail-a concrete piece of sentimental or humorous words that another person actually went to the trouble of going to a store, reading all the cards, picking just the right one for me, and using a stamp for something other than bill paying.
Self-centered? Maybe but truly more old-fashioned. I love jokes in email and information about upcoming events. I love newsletters and sales. I love notes about what someone needs me to do for them. I don't love hastily worded "Happy Birthday" messages, meaningful as they are for the sender. "Oh, won't she be surprised I remembered!" No, I know you looked at a calendar and saw the date on the date and remembered then. It's an OK method of communication for associates but relatives? Geez.
So, my mailbox was filled with an assortment of catalogs and flyers, bills and last chance notices. But no cards sent from relatives to wish me "Happy Birthday!" Happy Birthday.

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